Here is the BIG 6 questions you need to ask an education provider prior to spending a cent with them.
1. Is what they are offering a progression of spend more and more ?
2. Is the strategy they are using a custom indicator based, Fibonacci or resistance level trading or trend following?
3. They do not have the results for the last 5 years from the trades they are going to teach you?
4. Do they have an Introducing Broker Agreement with a Broker, or do they provide their own platform for you to trade on?
5. Do they refuse to trade a live account in front of you.
6. Do they refuse to meet you personally outside of an office at all cost ?
If the answer to ANY of these questions is YES then you have Scam or Fake education.
I can answer these 6 questions with a definite NO. If anyone else can answer a definitive No then they may be genuine also, there is only Black and White with these questions and it is a straight answer for genuine, only the scammers will try to talk you around those questions as not being important...........................................................
Ever heard of the puzzle where's Wally , same applies here , where's the market.Honestly if you get to using a chart like this then you are doomed .