Mark Hills .
23 years ago I started a journey to find out where the easiest and most effective generator of wealth could be found, without back breaking work, huge amounts of capital invested, a large work force or a business which you are tied to 7 days a week.  I could see myself bogged down with so many factors outside of my control, being in all these situations myself . I knew I had to make the choice of change, find something I would have a passion for and grow to have a deep understanding of.
    I see the majority of people earning their income today, without ever enjoying what they do, or having faith investing  in  XY institutions with their  hard earned capital.
I remember the point in time when , one day reading through a paper and coming  across the shares page of quotes, something I knew very little of at the time, and saw  the fluctuations and  percentage gains that could be made from buying and selling, it was then I knew exactly where I was heading .

  For 8 years I studied and attended over $40,000.00 worth of seminars on trading the  markets of the world,sadly the majority of it never even gave me a solid trading strategy, just a whole lot of nothing which  I paid top Dollar for .I am never one to give up and blessed with a fantastic analyzing mind which drove me to a point  where I could achieve both consistent and above average returns .

  I concentrated my investing and research mainly on the futures markets where the leverage is higher, allowing me to invest with less capital to return above 80% yearly, and for the ease of only tracking one instrument. In 2004  I moved my study and trading from the stock market futures to the world currency markets, or what is commonly called the Foreign Exchange or Fx markets..
The reasons I did this were very simple.
   1: These markets are the most liquid markets of any, over 1 Trillion Dollars per day changes hands in trade .
   2: All banks trade and conduct business in them, along with companies hedging against currency fluctuations on purchases and sales from one country to another .
   3: They are lower risk than any stock market as they trade 24 hours a day eliminating the large over night gaps, providing me with the easiest trading  over  the  previous  years.
I also learned the hard way NEVER to listen to what a Broker or Market Analyst advises as they were the contributing factors for a couple of significant losses very early on.
Did I achieve what I set out to do?

Yes I have achieved what I set out to do 23 years ago, even though it has been a steep and at times expensive learning curve to achieve the success and returns I was aiming for.
It is since I have achieved this, I have decided after much deliberation to share the knowledge I have gained, in teaching my methodology and give traders a real edge over an occupation that takes no hostages if you get it wrong. ..

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Listen to Mark give his view and the reality of Trading as a Business, navigating the minefield of FAKE/FREE trading advice from Brokers and the mass educators